HSSE / Sustainability
Corporate Responsibility And Sustainability
Contributing to the world of tomorrow, that’s what we do at Logistic Recourse B.V.. We are an important switch in the continuous delivery of essential building blocks for our everyday life needed to develop, sustain and improve the world around us.
It’s why we come to work and it’s what we do. We want to bring about long-term growth and create value for all our stakeholders including employees, customers, shareholders and the communities and countries in which we operate. This is underpinned by our focus on safety and our core values of integrity, respect, accountability, openness and entrepreneurialism. We are committed to implement the Ten Principles of the UNGC.
Health, Safety, Security & Environment (HSSE)
Safeguarding health, safety, security and
environmental protection is a priority for us.
In our HSSE Policy, we commit to preventing all accidents, injuries and occupational illness, and to protect the environment. We therefore continually optimize all of our subsidiaries’ activities with a view to technical, organizational and behavior-based safety and promote a proactive safety culture.
The corporate Health, Safety, Security & Environment (HSSE) Department in Hamburg develops guidelines and minimum requirements for all subsidiaries. Targets are set and the performance is benchmarked to achieve continuous improvement.
One significant measure is the creation of comprehensive HSSE manuals that are specifically tailored to the respective operating units – and based on which the sites develop appropriate local management systems.
A central tool for learning from incidents is a global incident database. To prevent incidents and their reoccurrence, all accidents, incidents, near misses and unsafe acts and conditions are logged and systematically analyzed. If necessary, HSSE alerts are created, distributed to the relevant sites and discussed with our employees.
To monitor compliance with our internal standards, internal HSSE audits are performed and detailed HSSE statistics with “leading” (forward-looking) and “lagging” (retrospective) KPIs are analyzed.
A further central point of our effort to conduct our business activities in a safe, healthy and environment-friendly manner is the training and education of our employees. New employees as well as contractors and visitors are instructed in matters of HSSE before taking up their work or their visit.
Logistic Recourse B.V. sets ambitious targets to improve our operational excellence. This means we believe that accidents and injuries are avoidable and are committed to achieving our target goal of zero incidents whilst operating in an environment-friendly manner and aim to excel in a strongly rooted culture of safety and operational excellence. It also means respecting nature by protecting the environment, reducing waste and reducing our carbon footprint. Together we create a workplace with constant attention for the environment, sustainability, social responsibility and safety.
For over a century, we’ve been evolving and developing in line with the continuously changing needs of our customers and the challenges of the times. Even in this dynamic day and age, fueled by ongoing changes, Logistic Recourse B.V. continues to have its finger on the pulse of the world around us. We pursue sustainable growth through expansion of our existing sites, greenfield development and acquisitions of operational terminals, and invest heavily in growth in storage and handling for Agri & Minerals and the expansion of our liquid bulk portfolio including processing activities. We have a strong focus on adjacent business opportunities with specific focus on energy transition opportunities such as hydrogen, chemical recycling and refrigerated gasses. We want to bring about long-term growth and create value for all our stakeholders.
Succesfully managing Health, Safety, Security and the Environment (HSSE) is critical to the success of our operations. The prevention of accidents and incidents is an integral part of our core values and this is also pro-actively implemented in practice by our employees and contractors. We believe that accidents and injuries are avoidable. Our target goal is zero incidents, whilst also being mindful of the environment we live in. We are determined to excel in a strongly rooted culture of safety and operational excellence. Rigorous standards and procedures for the management of HSSE are therefore in place within our company. We continuously ensure that our expectations are understood by every employee and contractor working at our sites. We will comply with and, where possible, exceed the standards set by local laws and regulations and strive to ensure that industry best-practices are incorporated into our operations. A special HSSE committee has been established for this purpose. Read our HSSE policy here.
We are committed to doing business in an ethical and transparent way. We meet our long-term objectives and remain a business partner of choice by upholding our commitment to ethical business practices. Our strength lies in the way our employees act. To keep course, we implemented a Code of Conduct. It provides guidance in on how to identify and practically approach ethics and compliance dilemmas in our daily work lives. We believe in diversity and inclusion and act accordingly. There is no room for discrimination or harassment. When working for or with us, we want you to feel safe and respected. A whistleblower policy is in place where we offer the possibility to report concerns via our Compliance Officers or to report anonymous via an independent hosted website in multiple languages, 24/7.
Our Security
Many of our facilities store or handle hazardous products. To prevent theft, vandalism and even terrorism we continuously identify and analyze all potential security threats.
Security of Our Facilities
Each company has implemented adequate counter-measures to secure the security of our facilities in line with the local, individual security risks. The measures comprise fencing, camera surveillance, motion detectors and access-control systems.
An important part of our security philosophy is the thorough training and supervision of all third parties (e.g. truck drivers, contractors, surveyors) who work at the terminal.
All our storage facilities handling ships on international voyages are in compliance with the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code issued by the International Maritime Organization (IMO).
Data Protection
The technological developments of our time are accompanied by an ever-growing amount of data files and their interlinking. Besides the undisputed advantages, this also brings new risks. In accordance with our idea of integrity and social responsibility (see also Marquard & Bahls Code of Conduct), we give a high priority to the protection of personal data – regardless of whether it is customer, supplier or employee data, or in which country the data are used.
Because technological, national and international regulatory conditions are subject to continuous development, we see it as our task to keep developing our risk management and hence our security measures in this connection just as continuously.
Due to the increasing relevance of social media in business and the associated risks for privacy and other rights, we have, for example, developed the Marquard & Bahls Social Media Guideline.
Better Business Through Transformational Partnerships.
We’ve got what it takes: decades of experience, a future-focused, holistic approach and a truly ambitious ESG agenda. We are strengthened by empowered, inventive people at the heart of everything we do.